Roberto Blake

Roberto Blake

Roberto Blake is a Creative Entrepreneur and Founder of Awesome Creator Academy, a coaching program that helps influencers and entrepreneurs build their brands online. He is the CEO of Create Awesome Media, a consulting business focused on content strategy and video marketing for B2B companies.

In 2013 Roberto launched a YouTube channel helping creatives with career development and personal branding on social media and has created over 1200 videos on YouTube and has an audience of over 400K subscribers. He is a Keynote Speaker and host of the popular Create Something Awesome Today Podcast, where he interviews guest and dives into deeper topics within the world of creativity and its role in businesses.

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When I upload videos, everything goes up. Views, Subs, Revenue.

When I’m consistent I gain exponential growth.

I have never met a single musician or athlete or artist who improved their craft by doing less of it...