Justin Brown

Justin Brown - Primal Video

Justin and Mike here, and we're all about helping you grow your audience & income with video. It's not JUST about Video Creation...

Sure, we've got video editing tutorials, gear reviews, and a heap of video production tips & tricks to level up the quality of your content. But what good is quality video without an end RESULT?!

That's why we also cover a TON of Video marketing tips, tactics & strategies, YouTube ranking tutorials and other cool stuff to help you 10X your results from those amazing new videos! Sounding up your alley? Hit that SUBSCRIBE button and we'll see you in the comments!

Two Brothers: Justin's the 'video guy', with top-level credits and distribution strategy on international film, documentary & extreme sports productions. Mike's the 'process & strategy' side of things, a reformed accountant, Business Development exec and marketer.

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